Hi Everyone - Just got back from my 3rd week-long meditation retreat. (My first was in October of 2005, and my second was in February of this year.) WOW. My heart got blown open with the realization that Buddhism is NOT about THINKING a different way - it's all about living from the HEART. Not a new idea, AND I've never felt the … [Read more...]
Phase Two completed (4/10/06)
Hi Everyone - Phase two - recording some very special guests for my CD - is completed. Here's the list: Shawn Soucy - drums on one tune Daryl Jahnke - guitar on one tune Phil Robertson - drums on five tunes Linda Kidder - vocals on one tune Finn Manniche - cello on one tune Andreas Schuld - guitars on two tunes Lauri Lyster - … [Read more...]
Phase Two (27/9/06)
Hi Everyone - Sorry for the silence - my wife Sheila and I were away from Aug. 27th until Sept. 8th, and I've been busy dealing with a lot of things (musical and otherwise) since our return. AND Phase two of my CD - improving some tracks by enlisting the help of some talented friends - is well underway. Today, Finn Maniche played … [Read more...]
ALL music clips now online! (27/8/06)
Hi Everyone - MORE news. My good friend Andreas Schuld, guitarist and producer extraordinaire, has put together another site for me, on which you can hear clips of ALL 12 song demos. The address is http://bruha.com/nathen/index.html Enjoy! With love and gratitude, - Nathen … [Read more...]
Music clips now online (27/8/06)
Hi Everyone - I just put clips of four of my tunes online: Do That Thing - A celebration of being in the body and in the moment, and of doing what we love. Be Still - An invitation to make space in our lives for meditation. Choose Love - Inspired by "Emmanuel's Book II: The Choice For Love" (by Pat Rodegast & Judith … [Read more...]